
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Have you ever read Narnia? Or seen the movies?


If you haven’t, there is a lion that represents Jesus named Aslan, and he is a good King, a wise King, gentle yet fierce. BUT he is still a lion. 


The Lion of Judah, Jesus, loves us more than we can even describe, but He is still dangerous. Anyone remember the turning of the tables lashing with a whip, calling the pharisees out bluntly? 

With Jesus we are safe but that doesn’t make Jesus any less dangerous. When do we actually learn the most; when is our faith challenged; when do we grow stronger as believers and learn to relay on Him the most?


You guessed it. Literally in the lion’s den, in the heat of the furnace, in the presence of an uninvited queen, in the jail cell, in fleeing from a jealous king, in being swallowed by a whale, in being stuck between death and the red sea—-COUNTLESS stories of people who grew in their faith because of harsh conditions, and when God brought them through it, oh, the rejoicing. 


I ask that you don’t hinder God growing me and my team or being able to see Him overcome. Pray that we hold fast to Him through times of persecution and times of harvest. Pray that He break each of us to a new level that we may become more pure and whole in Him. Pray that we love unconditionally. Pray now for God to soften people’s hearts so that He may use us to bring them closer to Him. Pray for our eyes to see, ears to hear, words to speak it all from his eyes, ears, and mouth. Pray for a boldness in each of us, a passion and stubbornness to not be afraid of what other people may think about us, for we are Jesus’ hands and feet. It is always about Him, not us. Pray for our enemy’s hearts to become soft and open to the gospel. Pray that we rejoice in persecution if/when it comes. 


We are fighting with the Lion, and the Lion has already won, but there is still an enemy who does not want us to draw near to Him who wants us to sit back and relax so that he can steal, kill and destroy when we aren’t looking. 


God, the lion, is love, but He is still fierce for love is dangerous. 


3 responses to “don’t you DARE pray for safety”

  1. I will pray daily for you and your team…can’t wait to hear about all the things God is going to bring your way!